Wednesday, February 22, 2006

二月二十二 灰色

二月二十二 灰色。需要給自己一些顏色瞧瞧。最近又開始懶散,壓力性失眠,眼神恍惚,意識不清。天阿!這博士生光環背後的負擔可真不輕。大多數的壓力是來自於自己。對自己的信任不夠,導致不敢對自己承諾。拖拖拉拉的結果,使得進度一延再延。唉!太多藉口,太少勇氣。就是昨天書上說的主要症候群,我是時間管理文章所說的病人。

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Be a tough guy like a bull. You feel you can do it, and we all know you can do it. Be a headstrong guy like yourself. Like a silly commercial said " TRUST ME, YOU CAN DO IT!" GAMBALO!

Monday, February 20, 2006



I got this interesting article this morning, a science article about our unconscious brain. The authors claimed that we tend to make a better decision if we go with our gut! This is so true to me. The more I calculate, the worse it truns out. I guess the more I mulled over one thing, the more I see the detail and lost the BIG PICTURE at the same time(as the article mentioned). I have a habit that I call it "incubate a idea". Everytime I have a new idea or a difficulty, I sit them aside. Think of them once a while, a little bit, not too much. I "incubate" them. It might be take a few days or a few weeks and the resolution pop out without my expectation. Always when I was taking a shower. I guess the higher water temperture help hatching the egg "EUKARI".

Friday, February 17, 2006


我的老鼠小兵們。排列整齊蓄勢待發。等著大戰胡桃鉗王子。一直很喜歡柴可夫斯基的胡桃鉗組曲。但是懶惰的古典音樂迷如我,永遠都記不清楚哪一個版本比較熱門,哪一個樂團非去聽不可。直到人家幫我買好票了才興匆匆的開始查閱這一切相關的資訊。在劇場裡驚呼,沸騰。2003年的耶誕節,Lynn帶著我這個剛到美國的拖油瓶回辛辛那提家中。一如往例的Lynn媽已經幫大家買好票了。柴可夫斯基的胡桃鉗,辛辛那提管弦樂團。英勇的胡桃鉗王子在台上大戰老鼠王,還有可愛的小朋友在夢境中穿梭。這歌劇真的沒有像想像中的一般嚴肅與沈悶。講這麼多,跟我的照片一點都不搭嘎。我最近在著迷這些老鼠小兵們,照片中的小老鼠可是要拿來大戰聲名狼籍的ALABAMA BASS的。見下集分曉。

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Feb.14th, Valentine's day. Don't let the commercials fool you. Also, don't let the busy work blind your mind. If you have someone to say "Happy Valentine's Day" that's great! If you don't, it's OK. RECYCLE your feeling. The USPS demonstrated how the process will make us SOAR!

Sunday, February 12, 2006



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Party

Auburn, a college town, nothing special but everything just fit well. Students like to have party, gathering together and drink beers of course. Party is not a big deal as you would imagine in the big city like crazy Taipei night. Party here are based on three elements. BEERS, DRINKING BEERS and Talk. A little bit dispointed when I first realized this is the way "the party" goes, especially I knew nobody when I just got here, also, I am not a big fan of BEERS. You got to forgive me here, we Asians just don't have that much enzyme to digest these liquid. However, after couple semesters, I started to enjoy the party, the friendship, the gussips, the BEERS for sure. I like beers, announced to the public loud :P. This picture were taken from the last big party in my old house. Me and Brian cook tons of food and people brought lots of beers. It was a sweet party. And Lynn and Mike (this picture) were the mentors of my party life : )

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mr. Children

Mr. Children is a band, a man, a kid, a Peter Pan, a attitude, a philosophy, a life style, a way we call ourself! Mr. Children, Miss Children...They like to hang out togeter, they have their smooth style when they talk. I like it, so I listen carefully, tilt my head and use a kind of slow attitude.
I like to talk to kids, listen to them, understand their problem, help them and help myself. Remind those old memories I had,funny or serious, refresh those kid attitude I ever had- Naive and Pure. I like to go back to revisit them, double check I am still in that shape, gaining power and confidenece to move on. That's why I become a Mr. Children, then turn into Or-Gi-San Children soon, very soon : )

Monday, February 06, 2006


是的! 上禮拜六又是我們例行的釣友聚會。我喜歡釣魚,從此向全世界宣告。廖大哥愛釣魚,KELLY愛釣魚,國敬愛釣魚,馬口愛釣魚。DENNY, BRUCE AND I LOVE FISH TOO. Large Mouth Bass, Fish On! Denny's rod, Bruce's fly and My fish! What a cooperation! Good man love fishing and Fishermans love friends. So as these mentioned fish bums.

Sunday, February 05, 2006



Thursday, February 02, 2006



Wednesday, February 01, 2006


The Red Envelope means good luck for Chinese people. In the lunar new year(the biggest festival in Chinese society and Taiwanese society), parents or elder people give these red envelope to kids and wish them have a good luck for the coming year. Every kids knows that red envelope is great, because there are money in there usually but not always. Fortunately, my parents always put money in there. Money means satisfied desire. I know that when I were very young, and of course I know the feeling to have new toy.
There was one year, I told my father that I want to use all my red envelope money to buy a pair of binoculars, a really good one. They asked for $700 us dollars. I was sick for that one for a long time. However, my total "trophy" from my new year red envelpoe was $350. I told my father with a deep honest eyes, and said I really want this pair of binoculars. I want to use this pair for my bird research. I want to be a ornithologist. "Would you pay another half price for me?" My father say yes without a blink. I had this pair of binocular for 11 years right now. He is my best friend in the field. Although there is still long way to become a good ornithologist. I carried this good luck binocular with me. No fear on my way to PhD.