Jazz Trio Concert
3 days ago
Fiberglass Switch Rod 8100, 8 weight 10 feet from yuhina on Vimeo.
home brewed from Lamiglas 9 weight 9 feet blank. you will think this little rod will take skagit 375 grain head?! (9-3 = 6 weight spey) NO no no... this yellow beast actually embedded a tremendous "butt power"; thus 375 grain won't load well until you start to jackup the head weight over 480 grain... I found a sweet spot on the 540 grain Airflo Skagit Switch. 540 grain @ 20'. If you familiar with this line, you know the reason this rod is called 'yellow beast'. It can cast anything you put on it... I mean "anything!" Cast well... great feel and good ol fiberglass "chewyness" rhythm! a 12 inches trout in a current will bend this rod, yet, it cast big stuff and small stuff really well. I am surprised that there are not much attentions drawn to those old fiberglass rod (yet). $35 blank cast better than my other $800 rods... the most interesting rod I ever owned! : )