I came across your art work on the FishyKid web site. I really enjoy your work and appreciate you contributing to their coloring book. In fact, my wife and I would like to know what you would charge to allow us to have your "bears fishing" logo reproduced on our son's bedroom wall. He's not two yet but he's going to be a hell of a fly fisherman.
Attached are pictures of us fishing "our" stream in Northern New Mexico and touring the federal fish hatchery in Mora where they are raising Gila trout to be reintroduced in the Gila Wilderness. If you are ever going to be in the Land of Enchantment, give me a heads up and maybe we can fish together. Good luck with your future endeavors.
Sincerely,One of best part to be an artist on kid fishing art project is that every once of awhile I got a warm greeting letter like this one. I really really appreciate people's kind words and their passion about kid's fishing and fish art. It always remind me how wonderful the childhood I have experienced, how wonderful to be in the nature when I was small. I would love to create more art for kids... if the time allow me to do so. I think things are turning good, so I might be able to paint and draw again in this coming winter... I am getting excited! Thanks my friends, it's my honor you like my drawings! It's a gift from angel to see kid's smile! : )
BTW, as I stated before about use of my art, "if you like it, it's yours!" please feel free to download any painting and drawing from my website
LINK. It's free.