11/30/09 Woke up at 3:40AM this morning. It seems the nerves still hanging on to the unresolved postdoc fellowship that I am applying. They should announce the grant receivers today, but I haven’t heard anything from the official website earlier. It’s a tortures. I wasn’t that nervous actually, sort of, because of the terrifying interview and comments I had received from the interview committee earlier this month. It is the worst experience of interview I have ever got, so far.
Anyway, I was up already, it seems the minor concern of the expected negative result still affecting me, at least to my sleep. I decided to give it a check of the internet again. I turned on the computer in the living room. It loaded up the major igoogle webpage with gmail column in it. It showed a new email with “Congratulations” from my Mom..?? “what is going on here?” I asked myself with a lot of question marks… follow the title, then the letter announced : Congratulations! Mark, You have received the grant successfully! We are so glad for you… A greeting letter from my mom! For real?! My mom never joking with me through the emails and I know they are more nervous than I do at this moment. So … this is for real?! I won’t doubt anything if this is the letter from the midday, but now it is 3:40AM. Am I in a dream again?! I called home, and there is my dad telling me this exciting news! Wow… unbelievable… Although I really want to believe them at this moment, I really want to make sure this is not a mistaken, kind of a bit worry, they are not very good at extracting information from the internet, just like me… They might find something illusion… ha… am I wrong and underestimate my parents… forget the extra worries , son! They have called and got the direct positive answer from the grant officer! It’s for real! Unbelievable! I feel I have used up all the good lucks of my life in this month. Harvard! I am coming!