Tom Morgan Rod
few weeks ago I saw a post

. It was an article about
Tom Morgan. what a wonderful read about a legendary rod maker!! It reminds me a great trip I have last summer with a good friend - Brian! We were fishing the spooky Henry’s Fork – woodroad 13. He showed me his recent built - Tom Morgan 5 weight 8’6. Normally I can be careless about those “famous rods”, since casting is a skill not a tool… however, the feel of this Tom Morgan rod really got my attention. It just felt “strange”. The rod really felt light in hand just like a 3 weight rod, low swing weight, pretty soft, and even bend profile with smooth energy transition through out the mid section. Probably is the most smooth rod I have used, it makes me felt this is a really special rod. What really surprised me is this is the rod recommended by Brian. He is a competitive tournament caster, casting instructor and a professional guild. What the hell he likes to use this wimpy “cute” rod? I ask him “why”.. he laughed and say… try to drive this rod with power … when saying it, he simply pick up the rod and wiggle the line a little bit further, starting a clock rhythm - ”..pick up..wait…false casts once, twice… and drive it…” you see a straight laser line lay till the far end… Wow… the whole thing seems like unreal to me… his elegant smooth style matched the rod action so well that you felt the power was coming from nowhere…it was pretty amazing to see Brian burst a long cast with this little rod… I tried Ramsey’s method and enjoy the rod so much! It would be my next rod for sure… a 8’6 rod I never consider a good tool for a spring creek fishing (16 feet leader here) – needless to say a spooky trout habitat like Henry’s Fork…