what is a intruder fly? some orthodox hard-cord tyers say: only flies that were tied from original materials and method can be called Intruder fly! Here is the suggestion for them. Look up the skgitmaster DVD1 - featuring Ed Ward. Intruder is a style of tying big profile fly!
I really don't have any idea how those hard-cord tyers come to a conclusion that everything should be on "original". If "original material" is a essential element in tying flies, I think I won't enjoy tying fly as much! The fun part of fly tying to me is NOT follow the instruction step by step, instead, it is SO fun to just use a idea and make your own! Just like cooking! see below how Mr. Ed Ward response to those people! Brilliant! I have been waiting for his response sooooo long!! Thanks Ed!
Original LINK: http://www.speypages.com/speyclave/showthread.php?t=46677&page=2&highlight=riveraddict
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Keep in mind...
...that the Intruder isn't just "my" fly. It is a collaboration of efforts of several individuals, myself, Jerry French, and Scott Howell being the most "public" of the "clan". An "official" definition isn't on the books. Personally, I consider it to be a descriptor for a general "style" of tie. If one were to see a sampling of mine, Jerry's, and Scott's flies together, there would be a perceivable difference between our ties, but also a definite similarity. That similarity would be the incorporation of a wound or spun "under collar" to provide a "propping up" of another larger-than-standard wound or hackled material in order to create a large-yet-not-solid or opaque, fly profile with maximum animation and better large fly castability due to the "size" of the fly being established via material "hydrodynamics" rather than "amount" of materials used. This under collar plus propped material we call "stations". We have Intruders tied with from only one station, all the way up to four, depending on size of fly. My "summer box" is stuffed with SINGLE station Intruders. I generally use deer hair collars on my stations, while Jerry and Scott are more into Arctic Fox and Polar bear. Our propped materials have ranged from Ostrich and Rhea, to marabou, turkey, swan, various pheasants, Arctic Fox, craft fur... you name it, we've probably used it. With the use of a little imagination outside traditional concepts of a fly, the opportunities for creating unique ties are almost limitless. We don't claim to be the originators of "propping" materials in flies by any means, but, prior to the Intruder, propping had not been a "mainstream" tieing method, nor had it been employed to the extent with which the Intruder has taken it.