Ok OK, here is the photos... walked the Tokyo and spent a great afternoon with my little sister and one of my best friend - photographer YT ...and his friends... The meji emperor temple is a amazing forest in central Tokyo. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. : ) You can feel all the positive spirits that are living here and they touch your heart with their magic power. So peaceful! Of course they are so many wonderful birds live there too... crows, tits, bulbuls, ducks and many others. I sincerely made several wishes... good health and happy heart for my parents, a baby for my sister, good job switch for my brother and no more stupid people on his way. and a great luck for myself : )
It looks like you had a great time-and that is how it should be! Nice photos!!
Thanks Vlad,
Great time with friends indeed!! I think you will love it too. Ton's of birds in the park! : )
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