Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stress Releaser

To me, painting is the form of express my appreciation of the beauty I experienced. A bird singing in a beautiful morning, a fish with stunning color in my landing net. I like to work on those "beautiful experience" carefully, dedicated, and breath every sense of the art form. BUT, sometime I just want to paint... just want to get involved in something that not really relevant to my daily work. It could be a careful sketches, it could be a bold stroke with some pigments or just doodlings on recycle paper... I call them "stress releaser"... here is the one... A bull trout. Am I get stressed? not really... but I need some "stress releaser"...


flyfishingunlimited said...

Beautiful painting and "stress releaser" Mark! I agree! My stress releaser in this very moment is a pint of Beamish :-)


Ha... thanks Vlad, I agree...
Visiting friends' blog with a cold bottle of beer on hand is another alternative! : )

wyoflyfish said...

Another stellar piece of work. I love stopping by and seeing your art.


Thanks wyoflyfish,

I appreciated the kind words! You have caught some nice trout too! I will paint some "stress releaser" trout for you : )