My recent internet posts on several flyfishing forums really got me thinking? why the good thoughts went wrong? a lot of good intentions but did not end well because of my lack of communication skills, or lack of writing skills. It felt horrible that the good intentions turned into the flame of hell... I laughed at myself, overall, too much time spent on the internet, too little time spent with good friends... lessons learned! Time to go back to mind my own business...
My heart always has a sweet spot for elderly people, particularly for hunters and craftsmen; a pair of seasoned old hands, and a witty mind that shed the words of wisdom are always make me excited to be in the moment. In the past, I have really enjoyed the time spent with some of my "grandpa friends". I would listen carefully, take a note, or video taped about all the amazing stories from the mountains, hunting, trapping and tracking... those are the treasure of our society. I think it is about time for me to go back and visit those people.
Jerry in the photo is a great spey caster I recent met, his humorous mind and witty talking are always make my day shine! I am really looking forward to do more spey casting and experimenting with him again! : )