A steelheader told me: Good man's hands are on the oars! This is so true...I might add actually: good fishing day is on the oars..
I floated with Grizz on the mighty snake river. It was the best day fishing ever, we had a blast! There was times we both watched the dryfly drift along the shoreline and shout it out loud together "eat it! eat it! eaaaaat it!" Then, BOOOOOM... fish came from nowhere... exploded on "our" fly. (or....sometimes "a nose" sloooowly stick out of the surface to sip the fly).
When I said it is "our" fly floating on the surface...Actually, he is the man doing the most work! Grizz used his oars to match the shoreline, match the currents, match the presentation directions. All I need to do is cast the fly infront of me and "watch"... and he will handle everything! I think I want to be a good fisherman like him... I want to learn as much as I can to roar a drift boat!! Thanks for the great lesson! Grizz! You are the man!! (to be continued)