I visited the museum d'Orsay in 2003. That was a fantastic trip in Paris... that was for a bird coloration meeting. Back then, I was just a newbie in the famous lab. So... following my master around and got some good treats is my trick! That is all what I did...
For the art in the musee d'Orsay, it is hard to describe the feel just "one arm distance" from the famous paintings... van Gogh, Monet, Degas... are all my favorite impressionists... Be honest with you... I don't know much about the art... but who cares... I enjoy viewing it! a lot! The real paintings are just different from the prints... it's like the difference between live convert and studio. The color, the tonal shifting... ,and most important, the people in the museum with you! Here is some old photos I just dug out...